Furnace Services in Vanderhoof
As Vanderhoof’s leading expert in home and business furnaces, we offer our clients many different options when it comes to heating their home or office. We recognize that there are a variety of different needs that fluctuate depending on people’s lifestyle and budget. That is why we offer a diverse range of products and services ranging in style, energy efficiency and cost to suit the ever-changing needs of our clients.
To better help you understand the current trends on the market right now, we have prepared a basic introduction to the different types of furnaces available to the Vanderhoof consumer today to help you find out a little more about which furnace type is best for you.
Types of Vanderhoof Furnaces
Central Air Furnaces: These types of furnaces work in a very similar way to air conditioners and often work hand-in-hand with them. A furnace is usually installed in the basement of a multi-room home where a pilot is lit using natural gas and forces warm air throughout various rooms in the home using air ducts. With this type of furnace, there are a couple options to choose from in Vanderhoof depending on your budget and preference for energy efficiency. A forced air furnace uses a fan to circulate air through the ducts, whereas with a gravity furnace, air is circulated naturally without using any electricity.
Steam Powered Radiators: These are some of the oldest types of home warming units. These types of heaters employ steam or hot water that is supplied to them through pipes often found in the walls and floors of the home. Often the hot water that is supplied to the pipes uses gas to heat it. These types of heating systems are very energy efficient and are usually found in older buildings.
Heat Pump Furnace: A heat pump furnace has the ability to heat your home during the colder seasons and to take hot air out of the home, or cool it, during the warmer seasons. This type of system can be used all year long, and therefore is a useful piece of equipment, and suitable for those who have a tighter budget and can only invest in one piece of equipment at a time.
Pipeless Furnace: Also known as a floor furnace, wall furnace, or ductless furnace, this type of heating system has an enclosed chamber where heat is generated using fuel or electrically generated heat. The heat is then forced to warm the room. Usually this furnace is installed directly below or to the side of the room in question. As one could imagine, this type of heating system has some limitations, as it can only heat one room at a time.
If you are in the market for a furnace, or need your current heating system inspected by a professional, call Prince George Plumbing & Heating Ltd. today. We look forward to helping you heat your home or business!